Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Get the British Touch Anywhere...

British expatriate numbers have been increasing annually for many years. According to various studies by Barclays Bank and the Office of National Statistics, one million of us have migrated permanently to live abroad in the past six years. We Brits have always had a reputation for exploration, both in terms of travel and lifestyle, because we have an insatiable appetite for enriching our own experiences.

Whatever our reasons for migrating, the one thing we all dream of is setting up the perfect home. However, the reality of creating a living space away from our home country can be somewhat different to the fantasy.

Accommodating shops that close for 3 hours at lunch time can take a while to become the norm, especially when the shopping is limited at best. Not all of us are gifted bi-linguists either. Not speaking the language of your chosen country can impose many difficulties, particularly when you are trying to explain what fabric you want for your new curtains, or the shade of paint you want for your living room.

Missing loved ones also means that many of us yearn for a bit of familiarity and crave that ‘British touch’ in the home – of which quality and designs cannot be found in most overseas countries. The DIY and interiors market in Europe is also a lot more expensive, not to mention much more limited than the UK market.

If you long for top quality furnishings in your home that you can’t get hold of in your adopted country then you need look no further than www.covermyfurniture.com.

The recently launched online, made-to-measure furniture covering service was set up with the needs of British expatriates in mind. Cover My Furniture customer service manager, Jackie Thompson says: “Cover My Furniture has a unique ordering process that means no consultant is required to come into your home to measure the furniture/items you want covering. You actually do some simple measuring yourself. The great thing about the process is the benefits to those living abroad who want quality, UK designs delivered to their doorstep, without the usual hassles involved… not only are the designs in keeping with British fashions but the covers will fit your furniture like a glove”.

Joanna Whitworth, Co-founder of Cover My Furniture continues: “Covering a piece of furniture with Covermyfurniture.com also means that you will have a sofa or a chair that actually looks like a brand new piece… however, you won’t have had to fork out the extortionate transportation costs that shipping a new piece from Britain would incur”.